We are delighted to announce the publication of our major pNET genomics paper in Genomic Medicine and is now available to view https://rdcu.be/3fyG!

The paper makes a significant and clinically relevant contribution to the international understanding of pancreatic NETs – and has already led to a clinical protocol trial in the Medical Oncology space.  Our biggest thanks is to people with NETs – who gave their tumour samples, shaped the project questions through thoughtful advice, guided our ethics approaches, and helped enormously with funding. The project would not even have begun without them.  Nearly 100 people contributed to this collaboration over a 5 year period. This type of project requires a melding of minds and sharing of skill sets including cultural advice and guidance, ethics consultation, tissue collection, histological assessment, clinical annotation, tissue handling, nucleic acid extraction, sample preparation for sequencing, sequencing, bioinformatics, data interpretation, manuscript preparation… to name just a few of the tasks we undertook as a group.  Thank you to all those involved.