Wednesday 16 September 2015
The Australian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group (AGITG) is helping to establish an international collaborative NET research group involving NZ, Australia and Canada – The Commonwealth Neuroendocrine Tumour Group “COMMNETs”.
The rational of the group is to build on commonalities in health systems and research environments in the three countries, which are similar to each other but quite different to the US and Europe. This means that different research priorities / challenges / opportunities exist for this collaboration. There is a meeting between the 3 countries in November to the set the research agenda for the COMMNETs collaborative group. See here for details.
Prior to this, the first step is to get a general feel for the issues and research priorities that affect us. A 15 min survey has been designed as an initial screen, to canvas a large number of people, and these results will serve as the starting point for discussion at the meeting. It is really important that the NZ voice is represented in this survey, so that our issues are at the forefront of this collaboration. This means that we need as many New Zealand clinicians, patients and researchers to fill this out as possible, from all parts of New Zealand.
The link to the survey can be found here.